Thursday, November 1, 2007

Prompt C.

Print media is full of boring facts, as exemplified by any newspaper.
Non-print Media is more interested in attracting the eye, as exemplified by my last blog.

Because humans are pathetically attracted to anything shiny, non-print media is often where people get their knowledge from.

There are times that one of the types lacks some thing important that the other doesn't. To explain this point, I'll bring my last blog back into play: in the non-print media (video), posted below, the reporter interviewed simply says that the boy asked if he needed a passport to get into Mexico (after which Captain Obvious swooped in and said "That might be a clue!).

The article, though, says something important:

The pair were apparently spotted Friday night at a Denver convenience store, and Sunday in Ogallala, in western Nebraska near the northeast tip of Colorado.

If they're just South of Colorado, chances are they're going to Mexico, and now people who live around there (wester Nebraska) know to keep an eye out.

The video didn't mention that, which was probably not wise.


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