Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wag the Blog

After watching the movie Wag the Dog the class was asked to answer the question "Could this happen in real life?"

The answer, however interesting, is painfully obvious: We don't and couldn't know.

Although, one could count the "There are WMDs in Iraq!" thing as something akin to the happenings in the movie (minus the fact that it totally failed).

Regardless, if there really was someone that was able to manipulate the media as well as the character in Wag the Dog we really wouldn't (or can't) tell if we're being lied to. The only solution, then, is to investigate large matters yourself and not blindly trust everything you hear.


At February 26, 2008 at 6:11 PM , Blogger Alicia Rae said...

Where should we investigate this? The internet? I wonder how effective that would really be...
Maybe we should take a field trip over to Iraq to make sure there is actually a war going on there.
Though I believe that there is...
Maybe the government is just taking a whole bunch of soldiers to Greenland and implanting false memories into their brains.


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