Monday, November 2, 2009

A'ight. Fuck the shit below & lemme get lost in a pack of slow suicide and a bottle or six.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Ashes in the Fall - Rage Against The Machine

A mass of hands press on the market window
Ghosts of progress
Feeding on hunger
And glaring through the promise
Upon the food that rots slowly in the aisle
A mass of nameless at the oasis
That hides the graves beneath the masters hill
Are buried for drinking
The rivers water
While shackled to the line
At the empty wall

This is the new sound
Just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound
Over the new ground

Listen to the fascist sing
Take hope here
War is elsewhere
You were chosen
This is God's land
Soon well be free
Of blot and mixture
Seeds planted by our
Forefathers hand

A mass of promise
Begin to rupture
Like the pockets
Of the new world kings
Like swollen stomachs
In Appalachia
Like the the priest that fucked you
As he whispered holy things
A mass of tears have transformed to stones now
Sharpened on suffering
And women into slings
Hope lies in the rubble of this rich fortress
Taking today what tomorrow never brings

This is the new sound
Just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound
Over the new ground

Ain't it funny how the factory doors close
Round the time that the school doors close
Round the time that the doors of a jail cell
Open up to greet you like the reaper

Ain't it funny how the factory doors close
Round the time that the school doors close
Round the time that a hundred thousand jail cells
Open up to greet you like the reaper

This is the new sound
Just like the old sound
Just like the noose wound
Over the new ground

Like ashes in the fall

This song, and especially the verse that I put in bold very much speaks to today's youth, warning them to not trust politicians or the government. While some might think this extreme and, perhaps, a little too "young" we should remember that politicians lie. It's a fact of life and something that hasn't changed over the past thousand or so years.

Once kids leave the shelter of Mom and Dad's home and head off to live on their own merit, they will have to be prepared to function in society. Though most of society seems to believe everything their party's candidate says perhaps if we heard more messages like this, we could breed a wiser generation. A generation that thought for itself and still remained united.

Whatever the case, this song is a warning to the American people. Youth are the new "American People" and they should educate themselves on politics and the people that try to run their lives for them.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Meet The Apathy Party:

A few days ago, I StumbledUpon the most interesting political satire site I've ever seen:

Among other things was this video:

As bad and/or far fetched as the "views" expressed in the video seem, satire must have something to satirize. That means that there really are people out there that think like that. Perhaps it's not a conscious thing, perhaps it is. The fact remains: something needs to change.

I don't know how, I don't know where, I don't know what -- but I know when and why: Soon, because apathy weakens a society and allows corruption to breed in its government and citizens. After those two are finished, what's left?

I'll give you a hint: it's not a world superpower.

I wonder (because this is a Journalism class) what News Media can do to help disband apathy, though. Due to the fact that the reporter isn't supposed to show bias, and simply tell the news it would require a different way of doing things... one that I haven't figured out yet.


In the days leading up to July 1st, 2006 the Internet Subculture was in panic. Eon8 was coming and no one knew what it would bring.

What was Eon8? It was a website that bore a simple timer that was counting down to a certain date: July 1st. No one knew why. Rumors flew around the 'net: Cyber terrorism? Hoax? Neither.

At midnight the site's countdown hit zero and the internet exploded.


Truth: Social experiment.

What happened was that the site displayed a message that said, among other things:

As of July 1st, 2006, the E8 Project has completed.
The purpose of this project was to determine the reactions of the internet public to lack of information.


We were amazed to discover that the site was instantly linked with terrorism, simply for the fact that it seems mysterious. Evil was the number one first impression people had of the site, in spite of the fact that there are no threats on the site.

(for the full text, click here)

I found those particular parts the most interesting. Why? Because I had done exactly that. Naturally I'm not a Hacker, or what have you, but I was a Script Kiddie for the week leading up to Zero. I wasn't trying to bring the site down or anything -- just trying to see if there was a hidden folder in their directory that held cool info.

That being said, I completely "fell for it. "

If a website can put people into such a frenzy, what could an incorrect news broadcast do?

Think on it.

The Wyoming Incident/333-333-333 Videos:

About a year ago videos that claimed to be a part of the "The Wyoming Incident" began to appear on YouTube.

This was only a few months after the Eon8 scare (, so people were very interested in these (sometimes disturbing) videos:

There are more, as well. All of them were uploaded by the YouTube user NotAgentClark (

People, like with Eon8, went ballistic in their attempts at discovering what the videos were all about. They asked questions on a ton of message boards (I was Googling for the same answers, so I saw about a million of their posts), etc, etc.

Why I chose to blog on this subject is for this simple reason: because most people don't know about it. This leads be to believe that there's some sort of Internet "subculture" that only a few are connected with.

Why is this important? Because up until recently, this subculture stayed online. What happened online stayed online, as it were.

With Anonymous deciding to picket outside of Scientology's churches, however, the Internet is beginning to break loose of its confines. I get the feeling that those of us who are connected to this subculture will be getting more bold with out connections to it. Perhaps we will see the Internet affecting more than just our educational process or how we get the news or how we connect with our friends. Perhaps it will have a lasting impact on our culture.

And it might end up being a little creepy.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Fox News -- misinformed.

Watch this:

The thing that Fox News failed to mention (or research altogether) is the fact that Anonymous is not organized at all. This is a very effective way of keeping the movement(s) alive, but it also has its drawbacks (i.e. anyone can claim that they are part of it -- even if they're not particularly nice).

In the report, Fox mentioned various websites that Anonymous posts on and games they have invaded. I will address these:

WEBSITE: The "underground hacker site" that Fox new showed is, in fact, This is not a "hacker's site. If you were to go there, you would notice that it's an image board (mostly porn, actually). If one were to read through the posts that aren't explicit images, one would notice that it's mostly internet (incredibly cruel and/or selective) humor.


THE MYSPACE PASSWORD: There was a MySpace password leak, a while ago. This was caused by stupid people not checking the URL and logging in through a fake website. About 1000 passwords were taken and plastered all over the internet. There is no proof that this is even linked to Anonymous.

One last thing... I would like to know if anyone affiliated with that (or all) Fox News channels is part of Scientology. Because Anonymous isn't particularly friendly with that cult:

"Corporate media lies!"

Alright. If you watch the video, you'll notice that the woman who's talking has an obvious bias. This is of no consequence, however, as her footage proves her point... which brings up a question:

Why did the media lie? By the way, they're an ABC affiliate ... not a Fox one.

But why lie about something so small, really? It doesn't make any sense.

If we can't trust them with small things like this, how can we be expected to trust them on the big issues?