Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Meet The Apathy Party:

A few days ago, I StumbledUpon the most interesting political satire site I've ever seen:

Among other things was this video:

As bad and/or far fetched as the "views" expressed in the video seem, satire must have something to satirize. That means that there really are people out there that think like that. Perhaps it's not a conscious thing, perhaps it is. The fact remains: something needs to change.

I don't know how, I don't know where, I don't know what -- but I know when and why: Soon, because apathy weakens a society and allows corruption to breed in its government and citizens. After those two are finished, what's left?

I'll give you a hint: it's not a world superpower.

I wonder (because this is a Journalism class) what News Media can do to help disband apathy, though. Due to the fact that the reporter isn't supposed to show bias, and simply tell the news it would require a different way of doing things... one that I haven't figured out yet.


At May 15, 2008 at 11:11 AM , Blogger chuckrates said...

Swell post, Micah. I enjoyed the video and the website.

The current debate in the journalism world pits those who believe blogs and the Internet empower citizens and reduce apathy against those who believe those same innovations overwhelm people into submissive passivity. Care to weigh in?

Your point about journalism is key. The news media's responsibility is to inform, not to combat anything in particular. Theoretically, if we inform well enough, others will combat as necessary. Apathy only lasts as long as people are not aware of something real being taken away from them.

At May 15, 2008 at 11:11 AM , Blogger chuckrates said...

Swell post, Micah. I enjoyed the video and the website.

The current debate in the journalism world pits those who believe blogs and the Internet empower citizens and reduce apathy against those who believe those same innovations overwhelm people into submissive passivity. Care to weigh in?

Your point about journalism is key. The news media's responsibility is to inform, not to combat anything in particular. Theoretically, if we inform well enough, others will combat as necessary. Apathy only lasts as long as people are not aware of something real being taken away from them.


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