Monday, May 5, 2008

Fox News -- misinformed.

Watch this:

The thing that Fox News failed to mention (or research altogether) is the fact that Anonymous is not organized at all. This is a very effective way of keeping the movement(s) alive, but it also has its drawbacks (i.e. anyone can claim that they are part of it -- even if they're not particularly nice).

In the report, Fox mentioned various websites that Anonymous posts on and games they have invaded. I will address these:

WEBSITE: The "underground hacker site" that Fox new showed is, in fact, This is not a "hacker's site. If you were to go there, you would notice that it's an image board (mostly porn, actually). If one were to read through the posts that aren't explicit images, one would notice that it's mostly internet (incredibly cruel and/or selective) humor.


THE MYSPACE PASSWORD: There was a MySpace password leak, a while ago. This was caused by stupid people not checking the URL and logging in through a fake website. About 1000 passwords were taken and plastered all over the internet. There is no proof that this is even linked to Anonymous.

One last thing... I would like to know if anyone affiliated with that (or all) Fox News channels is part of Scientology. Because Anonymous isn't particularly friendly with that cult:


At May 6, 2008 at 11:39 AM , Blogger chuckrates said...

Interesting stuff. It would be great to see some attribution -- how you found out the details of the password leak and whatnot.

Did you try to research the Scientology thing?


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